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05/28/15 10:52 PM

#4816 RE: exploremore #4815

RE: Fat Finger / Series A B Dilution

Fat fingers are "mistakes" in executing a trade. One of the prior posters showed a screenshot of a 75,000 share block traded at .02 presumably at "the market". The daily avg volume is usually less than 75,000 shares, so either the trader entered 75,000 instead of 7,500 or forgot to mark as limit... This would be a fat finger mistake ... Or the trader just does not understand thin markets - an experienced trader would set a limit and price breaks etc for a trade equal to daily volume.

Regarding Series A B dilution, the 10Q shows 2,890 $1,000 Face Series A convertible at $.70 and the Series B offering per 8k was 3,050 $1,000 face convertible at $.40, ( warrants require cash outlays at .50 for B and much higher for A ), so fully diluted share count would be approx

57,232,426 common
4,128,571 series A left
6,100,000 series B
67,470,997 fully diluted approx

At revenue per share of .50 fully diluted
(8,503,232 x 4)/67,470,997= .5041

Price/Sales is still between .40 - .60 range
( see previous post )

.25/.50= .49 ( $.25 per share price )
.20/.50= .40 ( $.20 per share price )