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05/28/15 2:36 PM

#45086 RE: Viking65 #45083

There it is folks:

"...wherein said sampling apparatus has an optical structure formed in a configuration that allow for at least one of transflectance, transmittance/absorption, fluorescence or light scattering measurements."

The key phrases: sampling apparatus and optical structure

In the case the old Valimeds, the sampling apparatus was a cuvette which allowed for consistent and reliable measurement of concentration (but still only 10% accurate which cannot be considered an analytical instruments by any stretch of the imagination). The cuvette had been allegedly designed (and patented) to have a highly precise wall thickness or optical structure so all measurements would be consistent.

Trying to measure concentration through standard bottles, IV bags... etc. would require a different signature for every different type of container, even if the drug/dilutant inside were identical in each case. Unlike with the use of a cuvette, the great variations in how the sampling light reacts with the different containers makes the use of a single signature for a specific drug/dilutant (regardless of the container) impossible. A different signature would be required for each different container.

By trying to make it simpler to use they've increased the complexity in another way. It's outta the fire and into the frying pan so to speak.

So That is only one of the problems with the alleged claim that the iG4 can accurately measuring concentration without the use of a cuvette. Even for a given container (e.g. an IV bag) the variation in each bags wall thickness makes accurate measurement of concentration difficult (if not impossible) to be viable. That's why they had to design the special cuvettes in the first place.

Thank you Viking.