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10 bagger

05/26/15 12:22 PM

#51911 RE: Mygolfballs #51909

I'm NOT SAYING ANYTHING.. I JUST REPRINTED FROM THE LATEST 10q... facts are facts.. Reading the 10Q would be helpful.. At president I have no doubt that the A/S is either maxed or even been increased and the converters are biting at the bit to see ACGX lower so they can convert at $0,0005 or less.. hank

[quo/?? What are u saying here?? Did they really dilute @ all time lows or were these restricted?

If they diluted @ 0011s thats pathetic to max out the a/s

Please clarifyquote]


05/26/15 7:12 PM

#51924 RE: Mygolfballs #51909

Sand, Series H as per the company:
2,000,000 authorized
326,000 issued
11,000 sold in first quarter
315,000 remain outstanding as per recent filing
1,674,000 remain but are not issued or outstanding and cannot be sold until they are issued.
"Issued" is the key word.
The 11K probably translates into 25million shares or so depending on when they hit the tape.

Not great but the not a complete disaster either, Cheers.