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05/25/15 10:09 PM

#16657 RE: stockpicker7 #16656

Sorry, my post was 100% true and accurate!!!

Let's look at your fractured version of the truth a little closer! I think you will find the REAL TRUTH is a little more complicated and will not look good to tmm or its principals and chief witnesses in court!

1. The money to buy the codec license came from both sales of private stock and cash. ALL OF THE STOCK (none of which actually belonged to Simpson) was sold from Simpson's personal brokerage account by his order in collusion with Fernandez, the tmm President. If you think shenanigans happened in those sales I think you need to look no farther than those two as NOBODY else had any input or agreed to those stock sales.

2. Nothing contrived about an S corp not being able to issue stock to a corporation. Look it up, its the law. Read Simpson and Haskins explanations from BACK THEN and you will see that is exactly what they said, both in writing and ON VIDEOTAPE AT MEETINGS.

3. See number 2 above, same issue. In the evidence you will see where ALL THE DFI shares were cancelled and Haskins and Simpson were issued DFMI shares in their place. Hard evidence besides the written AND VIDEOTAPED statements by both of them.

4. tmm filed those tax returns, don't get mad at me just read what they filed. DFI had ZERO assets as of end of year 2000, end of story.

5. See number 4 above, same issue. Plus it was the tmm chief witness Simpson's CPA who filed both the DFI and DFMI taxes and Simpson, the DFI President, signed off on both of them. Not sure how you blame Panik for that, he had nothing to do with it and was not an officer between Sept 2000 and 2003.

No strings pulled by Panik or Dimension but lots of FRAUD by Simpson, Haskins, Fernandez and tmm!!! Unfortunately for them, its all well documented as well as FAR PAST THE STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS TO EVEN DISCUSS IN COURT!!!