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05/25/15 8:47 AM

#284016 RE: wow_happens28 #284014

What does anything you said have to do with liberalism?


05/26/15 3:50 PM

#284065 RE: wow_happens28 #284014

"In times of Universal Deceit, Telling the Truth is a Revolutionary Act"

George Orwell



05/27/15 1:37 PM

#284100 RE: wow_happens28 #284014

A radical is someone who speaks the truth

People can be conditioned to believe anything, why else would churches and governments try so hard to 'educate' people? To create as many fearful and obedient serfs as they can. It is the oldest trick in the book.

Humans may have the potential for genius, however, most are little more than beasts of burden with no more determination to be free than a cow. The ruling elite have known this for eons.

The Big Lie (Große Lüge)

By Sam Weaver

Part I:

Life is full of irony; dramatic or otherwise. Irony is defined by my tattered Old World Collegiate Dictionary (sense 1) as "a method of humorous or subtly sarcastic expression in which the intended meaning of the words is the direct opposite of their usual sense [the irony of calling a stupid plan 'clever']." Dramatic irony (sense 2) is "the contrast, as in a play, between what a character thinks the truth is, as revealed in a speech or action, and what an audience or reader knows the truth to be." The gist of this article is perhaps best captured in sense 3: "a combination of circumstances or a result that is the opposite of what is or might be expected or considered appropriate [an irony that the firehouse burned]."

Part II:

In a series of books and articles from 1882 until his death in 1900, German philosopher Friedrich Nietzche famously declared, "God is dead."

Part III:

On 13 April, President Obama gave a speech on the budget. As just about every other Obama speech, it was sparse on specifics and laden with "lofty" rhetoric.

Part IV:

What was the first Big Lie? If you had asked any American from 1776 until about 1960 that question, your answer would almost certainly have included some . . .

Part V:

In the last article of this series, I focused on the ultimate Big Lie (i.e., "God is Dead."). In this article, and the next three subsequently, I hope to expose at least a handful of the lesser lies that are being used by enemies of Truth, Liberty and Justice for the single purpose of seizing power and control.

Part VI:

A brief section of Part I of this series was devoted to defining American Liberty & Justice. In a parenthetical note near the end of that section, I promised an attempt to expound the meaning of justice within the context of a discussion of "social justice." This article will be my endeavor to fulfill that promise.

Part VII:

I began planning and outlining this series of articles way back in late March. By the first week of April, I had a distinct outline. Parts V through VIII would each be a discussion of specific "lesser lies" that "Progressives" (a/k/a, modern liberals) are using to thwart Liberty & Justice, subdue the "masses," create dependency and gain power & control for themselves over "the great unwashed" like you and me.

Part VIII:

"Progressives" (modern liberals) heavily influence if not virtually control every modern American institution.

Part IX:

During his brief reign from 1621 until his death in 1623, Pope Gregory XV established a committee of Cardinals that would be charged with foreign missions. This committee was called "The Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith." [Officially (Modern Latin), "congregatio de propaganda fide."] This is the origin of the term "propaganda" as we know it today.

Part X:

This final installment of "The Big Lie (Große Lüge)" is dedicated to Andrew Breitbart.

Part IX of this series did not comprehensively answer the questions or fulfill the promises of Part VIII. Neither "Liberal bias" nor "John Dewey: the father of progressive education" fully explain how we got here from there. However, Andrew Breitbart's Righteous Indignation virtually does. I urge you to read this book! If you lack either the time or the resources to read Righteous Indignation, please, at the very least, read this article.