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05/24/15 6:51 PM

#147783 RE: Evil Rabbit #147782

I just dont see anyone i would consider a "heavy hitter" willing to take a lead roll of a company with no money.

I realize they could be given shares but they would also know those shares will lose value over time until they make a profit.

So either we get people nobody knows who are willing to work for nothing for a few years or we get a "heavy" who spends very little time and is actually an "advisor".

Actually either scott needs to step up and do what it takes or sell 51% for whatever he can get to someone with the cash to get the job done.


05/24/15 9:36 PM

#147785 RE: Evil Rabbit #147782

LOL! Famous SRSR last words....any day? any week? any month? LOL! Any decade? Stay tuned? LOL!