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05/23/15 2:25 PM

#89505 RE: RealDutch #89471

Paid pumper, interesting thought..... I just told you to lower your estimates because there was somebody with a lot better info than you giving guidance on the eels...

I´m not the one screaming 600 dollars one week and than telling everybody what a disaster the CEO is the next, The same CEO that actually has build a 300 million dollar company in five yrs. I´m not pumping, I´m just being realistic and I give arguments for all my thoughts, which you dont, you just let your moodsvings float all over the place.

You are a small investor (info from you talking about your portfolio) and I would be greatly surprised if your accomplishments in any area has been anywhere near what Solomon has accomplished, so who are you to judge him. You are talking like you knew it all, how about being a little humble and stick to the issues instead of suggesting that I´m in the forum to manipulate the shareprice. I´ve been an shareholder since 2010 or 2011 cant remember right now and I´ve sticked with my thoughts which is something you never do, sometimes everything is great and the next day disaster. And you are wrong it cant be both, a company is always looked upon as a whole, not through separate actions. The company is obviously not worth 600 dollars/share, there is a lot of things that has to happen before that shareprice can be a even a remote reality.

I´ve been very critical of how this company been running things in the past and the total lack or IR initiatives for example but now I see a new strategy communicated that I like and that I feel will take this company to the next step. And I have motivated my reasons for it. I suggest you back your BS up the next time you offend me in public.