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05/22/15 8:48 PM

#212014 RE: Taurus69 #212007

Well put. Makes sense. Do DD. EITHER YOU BELIEVE OR YOU DO NOT! I know one thing for sure, those who continually provide negative postings towards this stock all day, week after week, month after month, while not invested in said stock makes a person wonder why anyone would even put forth so much energy and time (and time IS money) doing so?? Do people do this because they are looking out for our backs?? You be the judge. Likewise, one may say that some pump this stock. IMO, Do your DD and if you believe then I understand the positive insights. If you are not accepting of a stock why on earth would a person put forth all day,week,month, energy towards a stock they do not believe in?? Do they have our backs trying to prevent us from money lost into oblivion?? I think not. GLTA!! GO MYEC!! TO EACH THIER OWN ;)