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05/22/15 9:03 PM

#39593 RE: SFSecurity #39592

Hi Allen....

Manipulation? Check the Commitment of Traders report each Friday and I think you would conclude that metals have been manipulated for years. Seems the large commercial traders (3 or 4 large banks) are able to short the market with paper futures in order to bring down the price and then actually purchase the physical commodity. Been watching this fiasco for over ten years now and the numbers in the CFTC Commitment of Traders report confirm this crime in progress and the CFTC has refused to seriously tackle this issue even though it's their data that shows what is illegal. The only positive is AIM doesn't care about manipulation!

Take care.


05/23/15 9:50 AM

#39594 RE: SFSecurity #39592

Hi Allen re manipulation

1) Decide you want to own something because you want to own it, not because you think it will go . Dont trade on a prediction of direction.

2) if you are Aiming, any manipulation will not effect you because you are not emotionally involved in the direction your securities move. You only care that they move, not which direction.



05/23/15 10:56 AM

#39595 RE: SFSecurity #39592

Given that the FOREX manipulation had gone on from at least 2008 through 2013 does anyone suspect the same is being done in the stock market?

Having printed to buy back older higher yield government bonds (whilst issuing more/new lower yield) - pushing yields low. Some central banks have opted to continue printing to buy up stocks.

Looks like approaching half of total global equity might be owned by central banks, which is pushing yields low (prices up).

Once they own most/all of all bonds and stocks, what next, land/houses?

Just shows that if someone has a legal money printing press how they'll opt to use that privilege.

With central banks opting to speculate rather than provide a stability mechanism as intended - who will bail out the central banks? Yep, you guessed it. The taxpayer once again. In the way of all privately held money/investments being handed over to the state(s). Global nationalisation. Communism fights back.

Both Russia and China are formalising a gold standard and have been buying up gold reserves. Ultimately if untethered money printing does continue at some point there will have to be some kind of return to a gold standard that places a finite limit on such money 'counterfeiting'.