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05/21/15 12:39 PM

#24620 RE: Buzzlityr #24619

Yeah, but you admitted the other day that you have no idea how the logistics of your plan would work.

Sorry, you clarified that it was simply an idea.

Once again, how does it work? Is it possible to do what you want on the OTC? How much would we each have to fork over? I can give $5K...where does the other $55,949,999 come from?

Stop peddling "ideas" on this board and equating them to management failure when you can't provide details to how your ideas would work.

It's absurd.


05/21/15 12:50 PM

#24623 RE: Buzzlityr #24619

Glenn had 6 years, these guys have been on the driver seat since mid January and protest is lifted in March/April, the delivery has not even started yet and none of these ECAC orders were finalised. They need to book revenues to recap as simple as that and your plenty of time statement is simply not meaningful.