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05/21/15 12:18 PM

#15411 RE: Richie R #15410

And to be honest $4 million dollars really isn't that much debt. Sell about 30-40 thousand meters and they are in the black just like that even factoring in production costs (Oh India why did you disappoint us so?). I'm not saying it's going to happen, in fact I'm pretty sure it won't, but the hole isn't so deep yet that it's inescapable. That being said I have no plans on sinking anymore money into this pig anytime soon.


05/22/15 6:40 AM

#15419 RE: Richie R #15410

They're trying as hard as a group of men drunk on Kokanee (rimshot).


05/22/15 7:10 AM

#15420 RE: Richie R #15410 From Feb 10th, 2011

“There will be uses for [Moto-Meter] we can’t even predict,” Giles says. He and Ziomkowski project revenues of $10.2 million by the first quarter of next year.

Working as hard as a group of men drunk on Kokanee making 100,000 a year doing nothing.