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05/26/15 1:35 PM

#71 RE: TheMonolith #70

More and more are less reliant on Advisors for their investment decisions, and real-time associative ads I thought might be way to get more awareness and interest in HACK ETF. Its the first time view that does seem to que the small investor to consider a buy.

A nice little sidebar that states something akin to

HACK ETF is a way to invest in current major and innovative cyber-security firms and their stocks. HACK is up X% since inception in 2014, and continues to adjust its firm count, internationally, looking for the best possibilities for appreciation.

It might not hurt to flash the sidebar a couple of times.

My point is to try and reach the casual investor real-time, as they watch the news and 'face book'.

Identity stealing is growing challenge and care for everyone, from professional to the little folk.

Interesting aside: paying with credit cards and check at your health-care provider and hospitals . . . is dawning significance source of cyber-security leaks of your personal data. It was stated person carting the info to the data thief, gets up to $50 or more/ targeted personal info sell. I do not understand why there is not a random scrambler chip on our credit cards, to hide out personal information.

Electronic networked health care was supposed to help lower out health care costs. Nothing is perfect and the hack goes on.

Buy HACK ETF to back-stop your person potential cyber identity losses . . . who would have thought? THERE . . . creep hacker thug . . . take that!