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05/20/15 9:52 PM

#17322 RE: geopressure #17321

We own the leases and the rights to 5 separate pay zones. Your math is incorrect as well.


05/20/15 10:00 PM

#17326 RE: geopressure #17321

All I am saying is that now that SIOR has more operating cash, it is time for the PA Investors to go...

OOOOhhhhh!!!! So where do the unethical actions start or end?

"Greed, This all boils down to greed...

To argue that SE's ethics were not questionable is to argue that SE is not very smart... because surely SE knows that in order for SIOR to prosper, the 14% Working Interest (56% of possible revenues) needs to be in the name of SIOR not some rich PA Investors"

You said much more than it is time for the PA investors to go. I didn't see that at all...until now. The rich guys agreed to a deal. So did Dan. Come have to know how convenient it is to change the argument to be about deals that saved the company.....morphing into siphoning off cash from the company that exists because of those siphoning bastards. Hey are you aware this was how another billion dollar company started that SE had his hands in? History was looking to repeat....and you would cheerfully wave bon voyage. Okay.

I suspect we will be reading all about ethics soon enough.


05/20/15 10:53 PM

#17334 RE: geopressure #17321

GEO, what are yo talking about? Have you not been understanding that PP is an AH, incompetent, corrupt, bumbling idiot that pbly belongs in the crossbar!