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05/20/15 8:19 PM

#93764 RE: Bansky #93763

Don't feed me that, I had 25,0000,000 shares pre split. this company never as done anything but dilute. been here longer than anyone on the board. it's all bullshi*
don't believe me just hang around awhile. in the mean time good luck


05/20/15 8:21 PM

#93765 RE: Bansky #93763

Call the company and the PR people with exact questions. Those are the absolute LAST people you'd want to call with questions, if you want the truth. If a person wants to be lied to, call the company.

It has been shown by some careful DD that the Oklahoma wells have been dry for a decade. The JFK Terminal is under orders by the PDEP to complete the site characterization that was previously deemed DEFICIENT. And it looks like Shamberg's buddy, Aidan Doyle, is very close to being nailed for falsely pretending to be a licensed stock broker. He should lay low, IMO, or may find himself in serious legal trouble.


05/20/15 8:27 PM

#93766 RE: Bansky #93763

maybe that was a little harsh but true.
see it go form - text to cars - casino - lighting -
gold mining - lobsters - skincare - oil and gas - MMJ and back to oil and gas
did I miss any? OOOO and don't forget about all the dilution of shares and 100 to 1 split


05/20/15 8:30 PM

#93767 RE: Bansky #93763

oooo and about the price being .006 - .008 few days ago
it was that price few years ago before the 100 to 1 split
that means it went from .80 to .008 nice investment.


05/20/15 8:36 PM

#93769 RE: Bansky #93763

LMFAO, It's a government report. bagport scam.


05/20/15 8:38 PM

#93770 RE: Bansky #93763

.006 to .008 LMFAO that's down 90% post reverse split.

It's well below .00001 in reality.


05/20/15 8:40 PM

#93771 RE: Bansky #93763

IMO, Audit, with reserve reports, will be filed in next ten days or less.



05/20/15 8:41 PM

#93772 RE: Bansky #93763

Revenues will be in the millions

That is so funny. Is that what the lying idiots at IR said?

They claim to have hundreds of wells all over the US.



05/20/15 8:51 PM

#93773 RE: Bansky #93763

Bansky, check out this toxic waste site bagport has a JV with.


It's been abandoned for at least a decade. There are ten y/o trees and growth cutting off all access to the toxic tanks. Can't even see there was ever a road to them.


05/20/15 9:49 PM

#93775 RE: Bansky #93763

$$FALSE & that is VERIFIABLE $$Fact

Once it gets to .01 BAYP can file uplist with audit.

in order to uplift to the QB the company must maintain a minimum closing bid price of .01 for 30 consecutive days...miss one day the 30 day period resets...then there is the filing & fees associated of $2500 filing $10,000 yearly fee. All verifiable by the OTC Marketplace itself.

This MBA won't even get into what the audit would have to actually entail to be verified...that is line item by line item being explained & verified & signed off on. While asls actually doing the same with previous PR's (explaining of said) as those affected price & trading...whether good or bad. Also I am leaving out one requirement/filing that would also be required, but that will be for another time.....oh F-10

all about dealing in verifiable facts available to all all along
Alpha Male


05/20/15 10:31 PM

#93783 RE: Bansky #93763

Bansky, will that audit be another quickbooks printout like all the other so called filings?

This POFS toxic clownshow will never audit anything.


02/03/16 12:59 AM

#98938 RE: Bansky #93763

Lots of misinformation on this board. Got any added insights Bansky? It's currently at bottom, opportunity?