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05/20/15 8:11 AM

#282604 RE: fourkids_9pets #282603

Are you saying this will be going sub penny before or after the end of the year?


05/20/15 8:13 AM

#282605 RE: fourkids_9pets #282603

We have been told repeatedly the core element of this manipulation is the concept of *markers* that are created by this massive naked short selling that has allegedly been going on with TRTN/JBII/PTOI. In fact we have been regaled with stories of investors *DCAing* these markers. So investors knowingly or unknowingly are buying these markers or so the story goes.

The really simple question is with all this intense documentation how many markers are held by investors? In the past we have been told up to 80MM.


05/20/15 8:25 AM

#282606 RE: fourkids_9pets #282603

for those who've asked

*colluding entities* >> goal >> is always to *reset* the 52 week low

this is why it was so *telling* about RH's lack of honeymoon in mid Aug 2013

folks might want to re-listen (or read) transcripts from both Nov 2013's CC and Dec 2013's AGM

*giddy* aka confident >> is the word i use re: JB and RH .. because of course while i didn't know the name
of their first buyer or OBG *then* .. it was clear that RH wasn't into hyperbole .. and always *stressed* buyers (plural) of P2O's prox

i also understood what the hiring of the CFO meant in mid March 2014 and have always STRESSED
*realistic time lines*

the irony there of course, 150k salary would have been taken all in $ .. not 50k (approx) of PTOI stock

remember when *52 week resets were orchestrated* via colluding entities

it helps to remember that last *orchestrated RUN UP* was called @ 1.49 by me in RT
because in Jan 2013 >> i knew that the 1.50 to 1.65 *range* was where certain money men had *shorted* PTOI
based on my documentation (in 2012)

next key time frame (thx to others) was May 1, 2013 when *depo gate* was >> *introduced* and PTOI was orchestrated sub 50c >> rather CONvincingly .. ;)

then of course the *wrestling of P2O's future* which co. founder and RH *won* .. which is why no honeymoon was given

it's also why LONDON CALLING has a choice to make @ 30 to 40c (Aug 2013 and RH's install)

entity that has orchestrated >> original (2009) >> imo >> said entity has major probs @ the 20c level
(really imo 10c .. but we'll see how long original entity can *maintain illusion of smoke and mirrors*)

this isn't *retail* with *retails* restrictions .. colluding entities are just that

so Dec 2013 .. Jan 2014 .. Oct 2014 and of course every day *since* October's *volume* .. is just another level added to a rather deep hole

goal is to always *reset* 52 week low ..

even with perverted stats utilized .. reg sho %s .. are cyrstal clear

zero doubts threshold is triggered for a 3rd time on PTOI in 2015 .. even with all those perverted stats in play

here's to what P2O's mgmt files next :)

all jmo


05/20/15 8:34 AM

#282607 RE: fourkids_9pets #282603

i truly do understand .. that what i see isn't *visible* to most .

The Bullshit continues


05/20/15 8:57 AM

#282611 RE: fourkids_9pets #282603

The goal is to reset the 52 week low. The reason is they want everyone who bought shares over the 52 weeks to be red on those shares. The manipulators do not want buying, they want selling.

Eliot Ness

05/20/15 12:09 PM

#282620 RE: fourkids_9pets #282603

i've been documenting PTOI's trading data since early into Q1 >> 2010

Documenting trading instead of documenting ROI isnt a sound finacial stratagy. Just saying. lmao