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05/19/15 9:31 AM

#16436 RE: mike1991 #16434

No no nooooooo,,,,, Unacceptable, it is not the job of the shareholder to be stoic.

You have every right to be upset and anxious for information from TMM management.

Question everything they do or don't do. You have a say, and as a collective group. Shareholders

Are the machine behind management. You voted mgt in you can vote them out. They work for you.

As the shareholders are the life blood of this company. So as I have said in the past exercise your

Right to question complain or just converse. Go to TMM home page complete the form for

Sending an email. Better yet rally hundreds of shareholders to do the same thing. Don't be

Afraid to let them know, their non communication with shareholders is causing discontent
Which causes adverse shareholder attitudes. 17 years I s just way wrong. get busy
Get action.feel free to share your results, good or bad.


05/19/15 11:29 AM

#16440 RE: mike1991 #16434

Time does go by in slow motion for TMM. New management has been here about 4 years and we still have no revenue producing deals although we do have 26 news releases from them.

Talk about this deal with Raytheon has been going on for 1 or 2 years and again we still have nothing completed. The only tangible thing we have going on is this life and death lawsuit that looks very bad for TMM.


05/19/15 11:37 AM

#16441 RE: mike1991 #16434

Right there with you Mike1991