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05/19/15 12:00 AM

#300968 RE: Hvp123 #300967

That title is classic! :). To think, that even this, is just a slice of it all, just a slice!!!


05/19/15 12:39 AM

#300970 RE: Hvp123 #300967

Where are earth are the handcuffs?


05/19/15 1:55 AM

#300972 RE: Hvp123 #300967

Attached is Fairholme’s filing challenging the government’s designation of certain documents as “protected”(and by “certain” I mean “every single one”).

Go to appendix A,B,C and you’ll note there are 62 pages.

The usual names are there, Obama, Geithner, DeMarco, Ugoletti, Lockhart, Miller, DeLeo, Mudd, Deese, Bowler, Stegman etc….

After that the scope of the number of people involved is staggering (all of them are also claiming privilege). One has to assuredly wander down into the bowels of Treasury/FHFA to find out who these folks are. It is becoming far clearer now why Treasury is stonewalling and desperately trying to limit information and access. There is no conceivable way all these folks give the same narrative under deposition. No way…… once holes in stories start to appear, things unravel pretty quickly.

Obama: "The only people who don't want to disclose the truth are people with something to hide."