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05/18/15 3:19 PM

#36386 RE: mrbigglessworth #36385

Very good question.


05/18/15 6:22 PM

#36388 RE: mrbigglessworth #36385

On whad dew we dew if this doesn't rise past $18 pps?

We all meet on some obscure exit on Eye 95. Haul your butt (Mr. Bigg's) out onto an expandable frame table next to a garden hose, then apply electoshock therapy on you till the pain goes a way.

And then we start the waterboard treatments. Aren't you glad you asked?

Yours is great question. Old bad, and crude joke on what if is, What if my aunt had a penis? He'd be your uncle

These days with seven or eight genders represented in familial members, it just ain't as easy. I'm running scared, and I wouldn't have a hair left on my ass if I didn't tell you these are all my ideas to deal with your possibility. So I have some assumptions.

Combined amount in awards through last summer's double research grants from Office of Secretary of DoD and MDA respectively is the total amount required to have kept us running till alternative funding was acquired.
Scope of DLA marking program will be determined on money required to keep us viable.

Questions come in on how quickly we're adopted by private sector.

We're a long way away, and I don't have it down at all. 21 Million Shares Outstanding now.

What are the annual sales figures we need for:
$9 PPS
$12 PPS


Me and Mr. Big want to know.
