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05/16/15 2:50 PM

#9341 RE: Bigjohn6500 #9340

I've never lost money on this company, vargass. I've never owned any OCFN shares, nor would I. I've never shorted this company either. I have no financial interest here. I've just warned people. I don't know what you're doing here. I'm still waiting for proof that you have $100,000 worth of 2020 preferred shares. There was nothing about it in the 10k. It only mentioned Alison Helm and the Wall brothers. Helm bought 1,500 2020 preferred for somewhere between $300k and $375k, and the Wall brothers bought 362 shares of these $200 preferred shares for seventy something thousand. Nobody bought 500 shares. You are not Helm or one of the Wall brothers. You said you had these shares in early February. First mention was the 3rd, I believe, and you said you were getting about $1,500 a month and the checks were coming on time. You said checkS, plural, as if you had received more than one. You didn't buy these shares before December 31, 2014, according to this 10k, so if you bought any it was in January and you lied about receiving checks, as in more than one. I suppose you could have gotten one check by February 3, 2015. It's going to be interesting to see what it says on their first quarter report when they finally release it, probably several months from now. Will we see where you bought those 500 2020 preferred shares, or will we see that you haven't been truthful with us?

Post # 8201 from vargass on 02/03/2015:

"Quite honestly I put $100,000 into it because the money was sitting in one of my savings accounts earning nothing. I get a monthly check for a little over $1500 which is approx 18.25%. Checks have been on time. I know it ends in 2020 and i get my original investment back. Not to shabby!!"

"Quite honestly..." Really?