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Frayed Knot

05/15/15 6:10 PM

#86723 RE: Arthur #86722

neither USAcig nor Re-Medical seems to own any assets whatsoever, not even intangibles

Ha, just like Hop-on... oh wait.. it has those "patents" that don't exist.. well, except for that one GREAAAATTTTT design patent... <chuckle>

Michaels sure does spend a lot of investor money on NOTHING, doesn't he...wonder how much he has ended up ($$ in his pocket) with since the new revival last year.

He has had some attorney expenses for 2014 and now 2015. Many $$$ went there. The fraud case where he altered his credit report which ended with an agreed judgement, which I am sure he hasn't honored. Then the case against his ex-girlfriend, that thing has been going on a very long time. However, neither of these cases should have investor money spent on them.

Of course, the Smokeless case but he only brought Bennett in just recently, so maybe not a lot of $$ there.

Well, anyway, good to see that Michaels is consistent-- no assets in his companies. What a guy.

HEY, wait! He has a whole bunches of boxes! Saw those in a picture via his tweet, assuming that wasn't an altered photo.

Oh well.. just waiting on those unaudited financials...