READ: "DD on the NOTES":
1. Yes, NOTES are Terrible, (All should know this)
2." NO More NOTES Needed now"- As per company.
3. "NO Notes Convertible til "JULY" (NO Dilution here)
4. "Yes, Notes caused the Big Death Spiral from" Pennies to Trips" after PLN their Manufacturer mislabeled a Container sent to Australia, mixed with other events causing the Need for these types of loans to Survive and Rebuild as we are seeing now finally with everything that is unfolding.
These Loans actually were the main financing on the "GitRdone Energy Shot happening.
Insider Gene Gilstrap just wrote a check for over 500k @.03 Cents a Share, his original agreement per filings.
CURE KOREA is Wiring 50% of the initial P/O (Tomorrow).
Hence: "No Need for Anymore Notes moving forward now, Per Company This week"