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05/14/15 12:55 PM

#51636 RE: 10 bagger #51635

Please do some due diligence and report bak to the board with another otc that is profitable under oo2

We look forward to ur dd as always

kid biscuit

05/14/15 4:17 PM

#51647 RE: 10 bagger #51635

I thought you wouldn't leave out the other warehouses and now the downtown office that just opened would be a good addition (of course it wasn't open then), and you also left out photos of all the sales offices, Pr, the rest of the front office displays, plus a ton of inventory that moves out of the other warehouses, and the other print and pack equipment, and forklifts and trucking accompanied with those warehouses. In fact inventory for just Paul Mitchell Products goes to over 100,000 stores worldwide every year. Please enlighten me, as I thought those photos were taken last year by our Korean or Indian investor who went there and downloaded all these photos. If you went there in person why would you wait till now to show photos. Be honest, are you plagiarizing his interview, and then leaving out a number of his photos? Sorry, but I have to ask, as my memory isn't that bad.