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05/14/15 2:32 PM

#38555 RE: teq0904 #38554

I agree with you on your points, 5 years is a short time. However, Medizone has the only patent in the US on wound healing with external oxygen/ozone gas mixtures, proven to accelerate wound resolution via its amazing capacity to inactivate all pathogens.
On a typical diabetic ulcer wound, for example, studies have shown that there may be upward of 20 different families of colonizing bacteria and fungi. Ozone inactivates them all. With some 80,000 amputations annually in the US due to diabetes alone, this represents a huge human need. Medizone could have developed small portable specialized ozone units for wound care for nursing homes, etc. Also, it could have done landmark conjoint clinical studies on wound healing with universities (maybe in Canada).