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05/13/15 6:30 PM

#36357 RE: jdjlaw #36356

Damn Counselor, thinking about getting chummy with ya to (cut your ass up to pieces, jamb it on a grappling hook, troll it through a tidal salt flat and see how many blue crabs latch on to it).

They're making some money on us, the players. The govt kept us alive with their grants. And they'll be bouying us up another year or so. All this is IMHO. But screw humility. There's hints and innuendo percolating about TALL COTTON and drugs. Hell, I can handle that.

I just think we're such an easy swing play, one of them perpetual motion cash dispenser for those in the game. Hopefully we're past the bad times.

On the earnings, we're on an accelerated filer status (72 day quarters vs. 90 days) Of the five 72 day periods (vs. four 90 day standard quarters) only four reports have to be made. We're just ending our 3'd quarter, may be combined with the 4th. Long time till next earnings looms on the horizon here.

All explained by Dewey, Cheatum and Howe Villains, Thieves and Scoundrel LLC under Jump-start Our Business Start ups act (JOBS Act). Ca. 2012. One of the projects Carol Gray our ex-CFO worked on for us.

All I got. Long way to go for us. Kidding about using your assets for chum. What else you good for:)
GLTU and to us all,
Mike Sharkey