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05/14/15 4:39 AM

#69336 RE: Trumpace #69333

Oh, yeah! I really got a chuckle out of this one. Let me count some reasons.

if there was anything real about what you turned into the IRS, you would have seen results, however you have not because evidently nothing exists to support your findings.

1.) How long did it take the government to go after the likes of Bernie Madoff and the management of WorldCom, just to mention a couple of crooked outfit. Heck, and they gave Jon Corzine a free pass altogether. And in these cases the numbers were in the billions. So, if we go under the principle you are advocating not only are these people not guilty until hound guilty but one cannot make accusations until after they are found guilty. That eats the cake. LOL

2.) There is no money to be collected from this case so, we all well know that the IRS doesn't bother to follow up on those that have no money. They just do a routine, superficial investigation, and the moment there is nothing to collect, they'll throw it in the "when we have time pile." And if you have bothered to do any investigation, you would know that none of these people have money.

3.) I have the records. Why hasn't RLTR bothered to sue me. Ah, because they know I have the information and it if they take me to court the whole thing comes up. Not only that, they know I have no money and that suing me will cost them more than everything I have. The same principle as the one the IRS uses for not going after those associated with RLTR. Nothing to collect so there is no point on it. Plus, in this case all their misdeeds over the years will come out in court. And who wants that.

I reported the truth. I've got the records. You are welcome to take action in court. The time when I was in charge has passed and I don't make them available to anybody any more, so, do you think for a second that I care what you think.

The IRS is not following up on it because, due to the fact that Hodge paid an attorney to remove my name and the stockholders were not willing to spend money to show it, automatically placed me outside the loop. So, I report 1099s, et cetera to the government. Then, they start an investigation. Then, after a while, they don't come back to me because my name is no longer in the files of the WA SOS. So, they go to Hodge, who, of course, says that what I had reported was not true. On account of these and other things he did not do or failed to do, the payroll liabilities fine and interested that had been forgiven were reinstated and the amount owed continues to grow. Look at company release information.

Why would I want an invite to this filming if it indeed took place and it is not a make believe affair. All I know about it is what Gershuny said and I have no reason to believe anything he says. I know better. But I am also on the east coast, so why would I travel all the way there and spend all that money to go to a shoot like that? To what possible end would I do something that crazy? Furthermore, even if this shoot is relate to RLTR, why would management have notified the stockholders about it? Think about how absurd that would be.

you were this big player as you have indicated you could have bought up this company for about 100K

I have never claimed to be a big player. Where do you get that? I have always claimed the opposite. I have always said I am a small stockholder and not a person with money. In fact, some stockholders said to me that I was the right person to take over because I was too small a fish to be bothered with if management wanted a fight. The opposite of your claim.

And, even if I could buy this company for $100K, why would I bother to do that (Never mind that it is not possible since many holding nearly 100 million shares would not sell at a fraction of a penny). For less than $100K I could start a Pinky without a shred overhanging. Why would I put $100K into something only to inherit $1.1 million in debts, with $300K owed to the IRS? That would be utterly crazy of me.

And that's enough. I don't need to spend any more time discussing your utterly ridiculous assertions and commentaries.