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05/13/15 1:34 PM

#3723 RE: LS1 #3721

It is a test that can be done in the office using CLAROS.... Instead of sending it out to a Lab... the system is OPK... again... in the Transcript... posted here...

Good luck... hope you make a million !! :-)

From the Transcript...

I’d like to now move on to an update on our Claros platform. We are continuing to do our PSA beta testing and that proceeding well now at multiple clinical trial sites. Our beta sites are allowing us to get final experience with customers before we began our FDA clinical trials. The study design for the PAS clinical trial is now set and sites including the Veterans Administration Centers are begin contracted as clinical trial site.
Our development program is ramping up and we utilize the same clinical trial sites as we are using for our PSA trials, which will minimize the amount of time for staring up that trial. And our goal remains to have testosterone filed and PSA filed testosterone in 2015 and PSA in early 2016.


05/13/15 5:36 PM

#3725 RE: LS1 #3721

LS1? Are doing DD or LSD???
Do you know opk?