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05/12/15 5:21 PM


I now it may sound counterintuitive

But you need to whine more, squeal even.

Guaranteed to do the trick.


05/12/15 6:20 PM


"Great news again! What does it take to hold even a 5% gain here on revenue growth............frustrating."

1. Anyone who says the trading in these shares is "normal" doesn't know what they are talking about.

2. Your expressions above are exactly the reaction the manipulators are striving for. They deal in fear & frustration.

3. This is not your fathers stock market. It used to be that you could do excellent research, dig deep & find small companies with huge potential and if that potential started to become realized the stock would respond with substantial gains as reward. Now the same situation requires that stock to get through a manipulative period where short sellers are able to take advantage of even small doubts that early shareholders might have.

4. Short sellers are generally smart & well heeled. More often than not they come out on top. BUT, there are instances where they blindly continue down the wrong path of trying to protect their short investment by endlessly suppressing the price of a stock artificially. In those few instances where they are wrong, absolute fortunes can be made very quickly on the long side.

5. Is ANY one of those situations. I don't know. But I do know that they have products participating in the Cloud which is the latest big thing in the tech world. Participating in the areas of virtualization, containerization & data storage provide markets where even a small market share could result in hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars of Market Cap for a company. I also know that in the extremely unlikely possibility that the company were to go belly up, the most I can lose is $3.58 a share. Whereas if the company is even moderately successful I could gain $10, $10, $30, or more per share.

So as a long we are fighting against a powerful short seller who even employs pretty smart paid bashers who seem to work 24/7 trying to create fear and doubt. However their ability to do that gets less & less as the actual facts become more & more clear. At this stage the validity of GlassWare as a valid and useful product can only be questioned through lies and misrepresentations. And that's exactly what they are now presenting. But when that is all they have left, you know that they are on the wrong side. So now is the time to be really strong. Ignore the lies and distortions and know that even though no stock is a sure thing, at this point the risk/reward so strongly favors rewards for the longs that allowing the fears & frustrations to sway you is not the wise thing to do.