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05/30/06 9:29 PM

#56436 RE: david02835 #56435

Sure david..If you bought this stock because of it's accounting prowess, oipphant, or any other reason than we have rights to a lot of oil..Then I would sell right now because that is the only thing erhe has going for it..

But its a LOT of oil ...and that is not a lie or fabrication

Dakouro(sp) head of OpEC and Nigerian oil minister said so along with others..that is what counts..


05/30/06 9:30 PM

#56437 RE: david02835 #56435

david sir, this stock could very well launguish for a year, maybe longer? The direction of this stock seems to speak for itself, no real positive news to be had anywhere? The timeline one is looking for will only materalise when the company is told by those who are in control of it's destiney decide to drill. ERHE has no control over when or where our JV.s will drill. ERHE gave up any input into decision matters when they gave away our rights for a free ride to first oil.

Sorry if this bleek near timeline doesn't bode well for your return on investment here. I sit in the same seat waiting for positive news to make this investment pay off which will be longer then I initially anticipated. I will hold the shares and trade them at a time when I feel the rewards are right.




05/30/06 9:36 PM

#56439 RE: david02835 #56435

D-02835 : Dow and NAZ didn't have a very good day. Whenever they rebound somewhat this week IMO so will erhe if oil xchanges stay up. I believe oili feels burnt by flat but cheerful cvx pr. Esso exploration nigeria-probably has DWD and it probably is and has been active. If he was a liar why show back up? and read ridicule? There's easier ways to make cash in stock market than bs'n 'round here. This issue will be a go as soon as partners get active in the three main blocks.


05/30/06 9:39 PM

#56440 RE: david02835 #56435


I enjoyed reading mccir's and RTK's replies to you. I agree with them. But no one knows what will happen. This is a company that has a huge future ahead. The problem is that we are in the 'now'. But that future could hold things such as buy-in's, buy-outs, schedules, drillings, findings of earl, etc...

Could I invest the money elsewhere that is currently in ERHC? Yes, and probably make more than just sitting on it. Then again the unknowns come into play, such as what I mentioned above. You need to do what you feel is right. Many times we all have 'missed the boat' on many stocks, many which could be out there before ERHC comes in. So could this stock languish for years? I don't think so, but I have been wrong many many times before. So to be truthful, who knows?