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Replies to #52 on Bob Brinker Forum


05/30/06 10:06 PM

#53 RE: Math Junkie #52

No problem as long as you keep your comments "fair and balanced" --but if you put your finger on the scales, you can just bet that someone will see it and react accordingly. :)


06/03/06 4:42 PM

#58 RE: Math Junkie #52

If I were to start copying only pro-Brinker posts over here from the Yahoo UTEK board, you would be entirely justified in pointing out that I was building a one-sided thread, and if you didn't want to take the time to copy the anti-Brinker posts over here yourself, or to write rebuttals yourself, that would not make you any less justified in criticizing what I was doing.

That "Pro Brinker Only idea" already been tried on SI and it was made quite clear that those who didn't like it were not allowed to post. Posts that complained were deleted and people who made them banned from particapation. You were a regular on that forum and I don't recall you objecting.

I think enough complained that eventually Justa took it to Brinker's web site where he was allowed to delete any and all who posted anything critical of Brinker. Again, I don't recall you complaining.

The Truth

The fact is I have not acted like you and complained about whatever you want to post in your own Blog. If I wanted to see balance, I would simply provide it or keep my mouth shut. I might complain that only one side is allowed if you acted like Bob Brinker and deleted EVERY critical post on a forum that was supposed to be for all subscribers.

Your argument is as silly as telling the NY Times that they should not post so many Liberal articles. It is THEIR CHOICE to post what they want. I admire Honey the opportunity for those who don't agree with her to post why they don't agree on her forum.

OTOH, you are on the record of supporting a Forum moderated by Justa on SI then on Brinker's own web site that kicked people off simply for posting things the Brinker's didn't like such as complimentary words to David Korn.