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05/30/06 11:29 PM

#22762 RE: multivalue #22761


Volume is always a kind of floor, for stock movement. You need to keep in mind the stocks volume averages, be that a 50 day short look or 200 day long look.

It gives you a reference point, to eval if the price movement you see on the chart, is acting within a normal, stable base.

Thus if you see a 25% daily PPs swing and volume is way above or below the 50 day short base. You can use this info to judge if the action is a fluke, normal, manipulation, or emotion based. Helps you expect the next trading day/weeks action, based on which traders that were there, the day or week before.

Big swings on low volume, manipulation; on high volume, emotion; on average volume, normal reaction by educated traders; on sub low volume, a fluke because traders lost interest and no one was watching, when news came out.

You can run thru this for trends in longer term, by comparing volume slops, with PPs slops, on a 200 day average. I would use this info, short or long term, to judge just who or what types of traders, may be around. To conceder what to expect based, on the mindset of the people playing, at the table.

IMO what has occurred here, with GTE, is we are seeing retail traders & a amount of actual longs, support for the stock based on events. Which has been non.

Notice how low the volume is and has remained, since both the Post & GTE, stated they want outside authorities to look into the stock action. The big guys are hiding. LOL

IMO this is showing GTE actually doesn't have very much true interest in the company stock. And the past has been either manipulation of retail by big guys or emotion volume by retail reaction to news.

So, IMO the past several days shows me, actual investors & swing traders of GTE, have not made up the lions share of trading, the past several months. It's been the big guys, playing with a weak stock for profits.

Basically munchkins are out numbered, by crooks! LOL

But the volume is the volume and being low or high, it doesn't change the relationship of the indicators formulars. TA is still accurate. It's price spikes, that effect relability of TA.