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05/10/15 6:52 AM

#68556 RE: BigBaboon #68554

"As far as self dealing... that makes less then zero sense... Our management is completely above board and aren't even close to crossing any questionable lines... let alone being involved in any criminal activities... in fact your statement is very close to being slanderous... where are your facts...??? where is your proof...???"

I'm absolutely speechless. As they say, you can't fix .....


05/10/15 8:27 AM

#68557 RE: BigBaboon #68554

MDMN is in exciting times right now..

You have been saying this for 10 years or more, therefore you are making zero sense.

it is an extremely enjoyable process to watch unfold...

Really?? Maybe for you. Most people are in the red, lost money, died etc......

Now I know for a fact DeCosta has never changed his story.

Besides when he was calling to by FFGO. Remember that??

But there is a Bipolar group of MDMN shareholders who are Uber positive one day or week and throwing daggers the next.

Not your case. We have been raped to the bones and the share price keep falling and yet you are so happy. i guess you love lose money. Most people don`t.
And don`t start with the story of averaging down. The record got old.

Question for you. Who has been selling this humongous amont of shares if this stock is so great??
A month ago yuor friend Mike was telling everyone that the selling was over and those shares are being accounted for.

Beth0515 I really don't have a clue what you are saying here... it makes zero sense and is not related to any post on this board...

You wrote: "I think people "care" when we hear insipid messages to "relax" and "enjoy the process" as if we haven't been tortured by negligent idiots in management capacity who take sweetheart self-dealing to new, possibly criminal levels."

MDMN is in exciting times right now..

. Qualified and Financially capable people are investing in MDMN and Proving up the Mountain... That's exactly what MDMN has been building towards over the last 20 years and hoping to achieve... we have arrived... it is happening... and it is an extremely enjoyable process to watch unfold...

As far as self dealing... that makes less then zero sense... Our management is completely above board and aren't even close to crossing any questionable lines... let alone being involved in any criminal activities... in fact your statement is very close to being slanderous... where are your facts...??? where is your proof...???

You also wrote: "There is a certain group of MDMN "promotors"/ if you will who REGULARLY change their story/opinion/assumptions/analysis to reflect the latest MDMN disappointment and recast in brand spanking new positive praise. While DeCosta seems to have a body of knowledge in geology (sadly, nearly all is in connection with Medinah, so it is impossible not to question his perspective and bias) , he is also one of the worst offenders in this department."

Promotors...??? Who are the Promotors...???
Can you name anyone(s)...???

Now I know for a fact DeCosta has never changed his story... his posts are repetitive... over and over again explaining the various complex procedures involved in this type of undertaking and dealings... DeCosta is also an extremely intelligent and very Brilliant individual...

But there is a Bipolar group of MDMN shareholders who are Uber positive one day or week and throwing daggers the next... and they've gone back and forth from one end of the spectrum to the other over and over every other week for the past few years... in fact so much that one could almost build a weekly calendar to their mood swings... their stories change with every emotional swing they exhibit... One gets dizzy listening to them... so no one does... they only talk to themselves anymore... in fact the only consistent thing they say... Is how everyone but themselves are responsible for the investments they've made... that is the only consistent thing that I've ever heard come out of their mouths...

The next few weeks and months should be very revealing as to the future of MDMN... It will be fun to watch it unfold...


05/11/15 12:54 PM

#68584 RE: BigBaboon #68554

MDMN is in exciting times right now... Qualified and Financially capable people are investing in MDMN and Proving up the Mountain... That's exactly what MDMN has been building towards over the last 20 years and hoping to achieve... we have arrived... it is happening... and it is an extremely enjoyable process to watch unfold...

So, which part of this "extremely enjoyable" process have you found most exciting, Baboon? Maybe it is the change in stock price since Auryn signed the three year OPTION agreement last August.

Remember last August, Baboon? MDMN traded between $0.08 and $0.09. Now we're at $0.029.

Is being down 66% in less than a year really "extremely enjoyable"? If so, Baboon, congratulations on your short position- very astute on your part!

As far as self dealing... that makes less then zero sense... Our management is completely above board and aren't even close to crossing any questionable lines... let alone being involved in any criminal activities... in fact your statement is very close to being slanderous... where are your facts...??? where is your proof...???

There are enough examples to fill a novel, but let's just stick with the cowardly Chapin Saga. How many millions of shares of MDMN were handed to Jeff Chapin for PHANTOM OFFICE rent in Las Vegas. $60,000/year whatever for essentially nothing other than a plot of dirt, mail box, and name of a registered agent. Sign me up for this SWEETHEART, SELF-DEALING deal anytime, Baboon!

Sladerous, hardly, truth, rather. It is helpful to understand the MEANING of legal terminology before using it in a blog.

Funniest thing of all, Baboon? The ONLY reason the PHANTOM OFFICE and the CHAPIN SELF DEALING FREE MONEY PROGRAM went away is because a bunch of LT S/Hs got FED UP on another blog (a blog that has a lifetime ban for monkey business) and started making noise, scaring Greg into a shutdown of the money fountain.

We won't even get into the preposterous scam of Chapin and sleazy buddies gaining control of the LDM.

But as we're speaking of Greg, were you in the room when he said "Done, done, done"? If so, please refresh our memory as to what he was talking about. Not "Almost Done", not "Next Week", not "Imminent", rather "DONE, DONE, DONE". How did that one turn out for us?

DeCosta is also an extremely intelligent and very Brilliant individual...

Is that so?

DeCosta stated, in his words, that he believed "in his gut" that Ulander would honor the terms of the agreement, a day or two before the farce that everyone else knew was a complete charade fell apart.

Now I know for a fact DeCosta has never changed his story

Oh, really, Baboon?

DeCosta stated many times that the Option buyout would be magnitudes higher than $100mm. He once termed a $200mm buyout "absurd".
Now he talks about $100mm to $140mm. Holy Story Change, Batman!!!

How's that for facts/proof, Baboon?

(Ironic footnote: if anyone believes there will be ANY buyout before JJ checks out, they're fooling themselves. There is a reason Auryn drills at a 0.5/drill/month pace, and it's called "leverage")

DeCosta has habitually spouted dreamy-eyed fantasies about "cash dividends" which I promise you or I won't see in the next 5, 10 or 15 years.

The next few weeks and months should be very revealing as to the future of MDMN... It will be fun to watch it unfold...

Sure, if you enjoy water torture! ;-)