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05/09/15 10:23 PM

#13457 RE: wikked #13456

All I can say wikked is we will see. They sure are not selling now are they? There have been 30-35 million shares accumulated in the last 24 days. The exact opposite of the sky is going to fall. And for all we know the restricted share holders (if they exist) see the huge potential with SIPC and have no intention of selling their shares. The only fact we know for sure is that SIPC's stock is soaring and there are very few sellers. That we have seen. That is not speculation but fact. Is the sky going to fall someday? Who knows for sure. I know this much. I have read the specs on this grow light and I deal with grow facilities in Colorado. It would be a game changer. There has to be a reason that no one is selling and the stock is up 1000%. When is the last time you have seen that in the OTC/Pinkie world?? A 10 baggar with no dumping, dilution, or sell off. For me the answer is never. I have never seen this happen in the OTC world in my 20 years of trading OTC stocks. I wonder what this week will bring? If we do get PR's then we know the new management is serious and things have changed. SIPC's social media has improved about as much as the current PPS.... 10 Times. Why is that all of a sudden? Without question things are changing to the good. Have a great weekend and we will see soon enough. Take Care. Texas.