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05/08/15 10:49 AM

#23711 RE: Seinna #23710

Which company, technology? tea? tequila?.It's all talk. The "Company" has basically zero revenue with operational costs of 400k and debt of 4m. Explain how that works.In their last filings the rent for office accommodation is 280$ per month, that must be some office they work out of.It's not a case of being negative it is being realistic. ACLP /Penny stock co's use PI's as their credit line as most banks wouldn't touch them with a barge pole. The problem is that most CEO's don't reckon they owe any debt to their investors. THEY TAKE YOUR MONEY ,SPEND IT ON THEIR LIFESTYLES AND WHEN THEY RUN SHORT COME BACK AND TRY TO TAKE SOME MORE WITH NO INTENTION OF EVER TRYING TO ACTUALLY CREATE A COMPANY THAT WOULD REAP REWARD FOR THEIR SHAREHOLDERS.IT'S AS SIMPLE AS THAT,SOME PEOPLE CALL IT A SCAM OTHERS MANIPULATING THE SYSTEM, EITHER WAY YOU LOSE.