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05/06/15 1:46 PM

#345357 RE: cowtown jay #345356

lol, and by "real" you actually mean fantasy.

sorry jay, but your make believe NSS will never magically become reality.


05/06/15 2:07 PM

#345358 RE: cowtown jay #345356

Hard to understand

how you will serve the Evil Naked Short Sellers

if they never leave their Mars home

The REAL litigation hasn't even started yet.


05/06/15 2:54 PM

#345359 RE: cowtown jay #345356

Oh yes it has - Nutjob Crazy Al Hodges tried it in CM_X and the courts tossed him out on his keyster - just like Azarry and Berntein did with those silly letters styled as "motions".

There is no REAL litigation because there are no real NSS unicorns.

How'r those blue sheets comin' along?

Find those 50 billion "air shares" that were claimed?


05/07/15 3:01 PM

#345360 RE: cowtown jay #345356

All civil/criminal litigation I'm aware of has ended except the SEC in regard to the SPNG crooks. No other civil or criminal charges have been brought forward.


05/10/15 6:53 PM

#345361 RE: cowtown jay #345356

Jay how and when do we the shareholders hear about this and get more info?? Is there a shareholder website


05/24/15 8:54 PM

#345365 RE: cowtown jay #345356

"The REAL litigation hasn't even started yet."

Sooooo, when's it gonna start?

Those statute of limitations dates are in the rearview mirror.

What's the strategery on this, Jay?

Keeping Loretta Lynch from confirmation seems not to have worked.

What's the next brilliant gambit for "the REAL litigation"?