Very Obvious crossrip that you are too scared to call Rob, since he would relay the same information to you. $CGRA is a Transparent Comp, give him a call crossrip and let us know what you find out. Also, crossrip we had this same conversation last week, when you were to scared to call Rob. Its Ok to do your own DD. $CGRA & WILDFIRE CANNABIS-TIER 3 LICENSE IN WASH ST. & HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO ADD UP TO 2 MORE TIER 3 LICENSES = 90,000 SQ. FT. TO GROW HIGH-GRADE MARIJUANA WITH EXPERIENCED GROWER$. THIS WILL INCREASE REVENUE AND SHAREHOLDER VALUE. WILDFIRE CANNABIS WAS FULLY LEGALLY FUNDED AND THE STATE APPROVED $CGRA'S BUSINESS PLAN. $CGRA