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Dragon Lady

05/03/15 3:25 PM

#2516 RE: Solarman #2504

Quote Carlcarlos, "Asher, KBM, and Magma according to the CEO of $MMMW tried calling over 83 times since the beginning of the year to tried to sell their toxic poison."

(Just a note- it's MAGNA with an "N", not Magma. Just a name typo)

That is fascinating info to say the least. What's really interesting about it- is it jives 100% with what the Bloomberg financial journalist found and wrote about in a recent 2015 piece and that Bloomberg produced a video "short" piece about regarding "toxic" finance houses. That journalist stated the EXACT same thing as Carlcarlos appears to have validated here via the MMMW CEO provided info on this particular stock. EIGHTY THREE PHONE CALLS (or more, aka "cold sales calling" from toxic debt deal makers). THAT is stunning- but it 100% is in-line with what the Bloomberg piece wrote about and their investigative journalism team found.

Notice in the Bloomberg piece- it matches exactly what this MMMW CEO has stated. The "toxic" debt houses cold call- and they DO NOT EVEN CARE what business the company is in, they DO NOT EVEN CARE to look at the company financial statements, they don't even ask what product the company sells or care, etc. ALL THE TOXIC LENDER CARES ABOUT IS IF THE STOCK TRADES ENOUGH SHARES A MONTH- aka reasonable "liquidity" so that they, the toxic lender, can DUMP THEIR DISCOUNTED SHARES once in hand- no matter how low the share price goes. In fact- the lower the price is driven down in the eventual "death spiral", it is usually even better for the toxic lender and these "floorless" aka "convertible debt" deals.

Notice also in the Bloomberg piece- the "boiler room" (effectively what these hedge fund toxic lenders are IMO) they even have "salesman" who are really nothing more than 20 something yr olds- who take on pseudo names and pseudo personas to act and sound like "big money" guys, when all they are is cold callers, dialing CEO's of cash desperate companies who they've screened using software programs and all they care about is that the shares trade with reasonable liquidity and volume and they'll do a toxic debt deal with the company no questions asked essentially.

Fascinating. The Bloomberg piece even quotes a CEO who's stock had gotten crushed via use of toxic, convertible debt deals- and that CEO said no matter how low the share price went his phone was still ringing off the hook via these same hedge firms continually calling and offering to lend him even more money in their discounted "shares-for-cash" deals.

Amazing. EIGHT THREE plus phone calls trying to hook this CEO onto the "toxic debt" drug and easy cash money train. The "easy cash" route- but the one that is notorious for crushing the common shares eventually to dust, nearly every time and every place these deals gets done.

The SEC's own warning about "floorless" aka "toxic" convertible debt. Their own words call it "toxic" and "death spiral" etc


05/06/15 10:41 AM

#2521 RE: Solarman #2504

I'm glad he's smart enough to stay away from that bs. However, the company probably needs to do something here to make the shorts cover and keep them away or at least under control, imo. Divy?