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03/28/17 8:14 PM

#500 RE: CyberCall™ #489

ACCR super-ugly at .000011. But could there be more to the story?

Look at the short activity report on February 15, 2017.

ACCR is currently flagged for FINRA Rule 4320 — which is essentially REG SHO for non-reporting companies.

If you look at February 15, 2017 it looks like you may be correct. There actually could be a monster short position against ACCR.

Rule 4320 seems to indicate they have 35 days from the day it was reported to clear up the short position.

Seems like it started consistently being reported on March 1, 2017.

Thoughts.... anyone?


03/31/17 2:22 PM

#502 RE: CyberCall™ #489

That O/S is confirmed through the transfer agent. I also checked with the Florida SOS and the A/S is actually 150,ooo,ooo. So that's good to know as well.

The new report is up on short sales. April the 5th would be 35 days if weekends count.

Hoping a hedgefund somewhere is about to have to buy up every damn share they can find.

That really would be a cybercall.

Additional Information

Any hedge funds interested in this plan should contact 616-405-0325.

Wayback Machine - ACCR Website