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The Other Guy

05/01/15 5:42 PM

#1852 RE: Inoviorulez #1851

Excellent article! Well researched and well written. It's hard to believe RXII is still sitting at a $20M market cap with the pipeline and advancing trials going on. Despite a call to raise cash, the company has noted they have at least 12 months cash on hand. Very promising future.
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05/01/15 8:44 PM

#1854 RE: Inoviorulez #1851

Great article, as far as it went. But here's the comment i was compelled to post at S.Alpha about your article (and a shorter comment at Yahoo m.b. in reply to helpme_hanna's glowing praise of it):

LongTermBio / Biotechpicklist-- very good comprehensive article on the co. and its science and prospects.

Alas, nowhere do you discuss what has been THE MAJOR ISSUE for common shareholders of RXII-- the absolute FIASCO of the financing deal done a few years ago having Tang Capital procure some 20 million preferred convertible shares.

As has been admitted by CEO Geert to the first analyst who questioned him on the March 30, 2015 conf. call, and admitted by IR person Tamara back in January to one of the shareholders prominently posting as "helpme_hanna" at Yahoo message board, Tang has been RELENTLESSLY CONVERTING AND SELLING those convertibles in 2014 and now in 2015 and it has DESTROYED THE SHAREPRICE of RXII. And according to CEO Geert on the last conf. call on 3/30, he still had at least 6-7 million convertibles to sell!

This stock was trading as high as the $9s in 2013, upper $6s in early 2014, and even hit $4 in Sep. 2014, but recently was wallowing at $0.62 before recovering a bit. And TANG HAS BEEN THE CULPRIT. Geert and his team were clearly unsuccessful in attracting sufficient big money investors to counter the repeated tsunami waves of Tang selling and selling and selling. I lost about 10% on 3/4ths of my shares i had to sell when i saw how badly this was performing in the Fall 2014 and then in Jan. finally sold the last tranche of shares for about a 33% loss (22% on the overall investment at avg. selling prices ranging from $1.40 - $2.10) in Fall-Winter. Thank God i sold in Fall-Winter or i'd be looking at a 75% loss on paper now.

I'm not getting back into this one until (if ever) it's clear to me that Tang has finished selling, because he's made it clear he doesn't mind driving this stock almost completely into the ground, just to get his pounds of flesh, i.e., his "free money." He's already made at least $30M off a $9M investment, as i understand it.

According to the recent conf call on 3/30/15, CEO Geert answers the analyst: "[...] today the major investor has about 6 to 7.3 million shares left. And so what we expect them to do is possibly stay with this amount, yes, and not to give any indications what you would, so would do [either the transcript or Geert is a bit unclear here], it could be that he continues to sell which is in reality not a major issue. It seems it would only probably continue to put pressure on our share price, but it would further reduce his position and in the medium term I mean in a few months I would expect that our share price is going to react to the fact that there is a major overhang that has been and that is gone. We are actually coming to the point that we are really a publicly traded company."

One can find out a lot more on this problem by reading the Yahoo m.board posts by helpme_hanna and grabbngo from Jan. 16, 17 and 18 (2015). I just found a few more YMB posts from helpme_hanna and yourself from around April 25. Maybe there's more posts before then, but i don't have the time to check further....

One day hopefully within a few months RXII may be worth investing in again.
But NOT UNTIL TANG IS GONE! That selfish guy has destroyed a lot of wealth of common shareholders (people who had a lot more invested than i did) who had no clue he was going to decimate the stock they had invested in. If they had to sell shares for any reason over the past 16 months to pay important bills, he seriously damaged their financial wellbeing.

Ugghh-- unfortunately most smallcap / microcap companies are at the mercy of these predatory sharks on the financing side. Tang has been showing he is one of the worst.

Sorry for the rant but prospective shareholders reading this otherwise EXCELLENT article need to know the facts in the "larger picture."