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05/01/15 12:05 PM

#147448 RE: es1 #147445

"¶ 4 The Company is an OTC reporting issuer under BC Instrument 51-509 Issuers Quoted on the U.S. Over-the-Counter Markets because since September 15, 2008, investor relations activities have been conducted by it or on its behalf in or from British Columbia. "


05/01/15 10:16 PM

#147461 RE: es1 #147445

Sorry, you folks have it wrong. The BC securities agency used Merle's residence in BC as the excuse to to invoke the Cease Trade Order (CTO). The real reason was that SRSR didn't have the required audited financials.

Therefore, with the IR now in Ontario the Ontario securities agency can now invoke a CTO on SRSR. The only way to eliminate the CTO is to have SRSR's financial statement audited.

Due to the CTO in BC all the major banks in Canada except for TD enforced the CTO.