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Oi the Guilt

05/27/06 11:55 PM

#256014 RE: TruthbeTold #256009

Truth Be Told...Scared SKUNKS in yards tend to stink

TBT - I may not have always agreed with everything you have said -- but tonight? SkunksYARD deserves what she is getting... and that is THE TRUTH BE TOLD. Unfortunately, she has about the same IQ LEVEL as Nick Orem -- somewhere between ZERO and 10 inches -- so I guess it's "birds of a feather FLUCK together."

Skunks - I got Q in SD - it may not have been the best programming and it was totally FAT FRANK OLSEN influenced -- (hence NICK OREM even working on air! -- geezzzzz he had no TALENT) but it was a niche market broadcast that at least WAS ON THE AIR. It isn't anymore.

If Olsen and his team of con artists hadn't raped, pumped, dumped ripped off and abused everyone involved -- Q could have evolved into decent NICHE PROGRAMMING. It never had the chance.... the money was going into Frank and crew's pockets and a few other things -- How's New Orleans Frank -- meet any new people in the French Quarter to rip off?

This was a scam -- a continued scam -- and Q had no chance to survive with a no talent thief at the helm and no talent talents like Nick. It really was white elephant poo fertilizing gardens of prickly cactus.

And to ANYONE who is bashing the ex employees that do post? Just remember -- all those HANSENC posts? That was an employee of the PR firm posting on a financial blog site -- an employee of the PR firm that was putting out Olsen's pump and dump PR's -- then he goes on here and posts insider information -- His initials were JS -- but soon it will be SEC yah!

You can't tell me HANSEN C was Nick Orem via Frank O using Jim the PR guy to bash n post -- just to keep the stirring of the pot on the scam. Skunksieyard (as not to confuse you with JACK) you called FRANK a visionary... tunnel vision at best -- all he could see was someone elses money moving to his pocket.

Good Night TRUTH -- Skunksie? GET A LIFE -- it's 42,000 and counting!