Unaudited is Right. These No's Will Back That Statement.... BC BYSD would never want us to see the truth. Currently, 1.3 million WORLDWIDE bitcoin users. Again, WORLDWIDE USER'S 2million tops. Its the bulk of where a smallest percentage of V51 revenues will come from, so you could add another additional 34 countries and that laughable MATH wouldn't frekin matter. That $250k = approximately 961 V51s. Just because HK did $250k in 1 month, does not make it indicative every month, or Q after Q afterwards in any countries or combination of them. Simply not possible, as there will be fluctuations. So, your theory of BYSDs unaudited financials being cause for lack of serious institutional investors is spot on, and will dog BYSD til they become more transparent. That way, they (investors) could see based on Juniper, that there is a saturation point of users actually interested in buying V51 initially, and then incrementally there after.. Therefore, the numbers won't be as large or as simple as just multiplying wish-be math based on 1 population result, expecting same duplications. IMHO, No, It has to come from smallest fractional amount of available, participating WORLDWIDE Juniper users.. And that'll take years. Even if BYSD hits miraculous multi million dollars in successive Q's PPS won't move much compared to SEC filings from audited financials. Also they'd have to ungag the TA, and stop diluting towards a RS.. $58/share, Gimie a Frekin Break.. Ahhhhh-HaHaHaHaHa..
Let's see one penny, one quarter, then one dollar first Sir, and then we can talk again :) I believe the company has stated several times their goal of being at $ 1.00, without a R/S.