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04/29/15 1:51 PM

#110977 RE: MP_CES #110976

Had I the sense to short this stock at $6 I could certainly have made what for me is serious money. The fact that the trading volume is too low for billionaires to bother shorting it is beside the point.

It's easy to tell people who have had their money tied up in this stock for years, and are now well underwater, that the stock price is irrelevant. When you think of all the stocks they could have bought that actually went way up over that period, it isn't at all irrelevant.


04/29/15 1:53 PM

#110978 RE: MP_CES #110976

Good post, MP. It's a breath of fresh air to read a post based in fact instead of fantasy BS like the recent post copied below.

"Looks like The Fuhrer has left the bunker, but gave orders to the devotees to fight to the last round, as the Wonder Weapons are 'just around the corner' that will turn defeat into victory !"


04/29/15 1:58 PM

#110979 RE: MP_CES #110976

Great post...please sticky note this.


04/29/15 2:09 PM

#110981 RE: MP_CES #110976

Hear, hear!


04/29/15 2:17 PM

#110982 RE: MP_CES #110976

Yep,... a clear, straightforward, statement of facts,....

Nicely done!


04/29/15 2:55 PM

#110985 RE: MP_CES #110976

And that is why the stock at 1.80 is a joke. We should be at minimum $5.00.
Great post MP
Investors will get that.


04/29/15 3:42 PM

#110987 RE: MP_CES #110976

Finally a sane voice amidst the chorus of impatient armchair quarterbacks. I have never lost faith in the science or the opportunity here. All this crapolla about the doctors and their salaries has been a red herring from the get-go. I don't fully grasp exactly why this has fallen so precipitously, but obviously the history of missed deadlines has a lot to do with it. But deadlines aside, it will go back up when all the pieces start coming together. And they will, in time, because of hard work and perseverance, despite what some misperceive.

In the meantime, this has become a bargain that one should ignore at one's own risk. Most people are probably quietly licking their lips, just waiting for the bottom. When it bounces on the basis of substantial news, it will skyrocket. (IMHO)


04/29/15 3:54 PM

#110988 RE: MP_CES #110976

Well they probably had to accomplish something at those other jobs. Here they haven't done jack in 10 years. So when you don't do anything, and get FREE MONEY, it's like welfare. Except the losers are the poor stiffs that believed that NNVC would actually accomplish something. Well they can't even do TOX. Any other work place you have a tract record like that you would be FIRED.

If you believe that this is such a low share price, and a great company ...GO ALL IN. And tell us how much you believe in this sled with your own pocket-book.

Also, ask Diwan why he won't do a Buyback to show support of the SP. No, he didn't use ALL his money to build the Lab. He sold NNVC stock on the open market, eroding 50% of the company value in the process, until a Shareholder revolt stopped him. I hope you have the gumption to check those facts out, as some of us here know the facts.


Like I said before. This is nowhere near a lifestyle stock. The people who started this and are involved were multi millionaires before all this. These people have the credentials to work anywhere for twice what they are being paid by NNVC including Meeta Vyas.


04/29/15 5:38 PM

#110997 RE: MP_CES #110976

MP_CES- Thats a crap story you put together! HA HA

You contend Diwan and Seymour were multi millionaires. No evidence of that on the internet. I looked up their bios on NNVC's earliest filing. It looks like they were both on the public till, Seymour getting money for consulting to the UN, and Diwan getting SBIR grants. LAUGHABLE!!!!

The evidence seems Seymour and Diwan lied all these years to enrich themselves. Thats a fact!!!

Eugene Seymour, MD, MPH, age 65, serves as the Company’s Chief Executive Officer. Dr. Seymour obtained a Master's degree in the Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases at UCLA in addition to his medical degree. He began clinical practice in Internal Medicine and joined the UCLA Medical School faculty. He left UCLA after two years and joined the USC faculty as Associate Professor. Dr. Seymour served in the Medical Corps of US Army Reserve during the Vietnam era and attained the rank of Major. In 1986, he was requested by the US government to establish a testing laboratory and run a large-scale surveillance program for HIV prevalence in the Hispanic population in Los Angeles. His laboratory ended up testing over 50,000 people. In 1989, he founded StatSure Diagnostic Systems, Inc. (SDS) (formerly Saliva Diagnostic Systems, Inc.), raised capital and developed the rapid HIV antibody blood test (Hema-Strip). He took the company public in 1993 as CEO and President. Under his direction, the company conducted research studies in Africa, Asia, South and North America. The Hema-Strip was approved in a number of countries including Canada, Great Britain and Vietnam, among others, and currently is awaiting approval from the FDA. He left SDS in 1996 to form a non-profit foundation, which funded both testing and training programs for health workers in Asia and Africa. He became a consultant to the UN Global Program on AIDS and was sent to several countries, (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Russia) to interact with local physicians and assist them in setting up testing programs. Dr. Seymour holds 8 issued patents, and is married with three children, two of whom are physicians.

Anil Diwan, PhD, age 47, the Company’s President is the original inventor of the technologies licensed to NanoViricides Inc, as well as the TheraCour polymeric micelle technologies and products based on them. Since 1992, he has researched and developed TheraCour nanomaterials. Dr. Diwan was the first to propose the development of novel pendant polymers for drug delivery that led to an explosion of research in pharmacological applications of polymeric micelles. Anil has won over 12 NIH SBIR grants. Dr. Diwan holds two patents, one issued and one applied for, and has made intellectual property depositions of four additional patentable discoveries with the patent attorney. Dr. Diwan has held several scholastic distinctions, including an All-India 9th rank on the Joint Entrance Examination of all IIT’s. He holds a Ph.D. in Biochemical Engineering from Rice University (1986) and B.S. in Chemical Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay (1980).


04/30/15 8:43 AM

#111004 RE: MP_CES #110976

Still great...