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04/29/15 5:16 AM

#12729 RE: ManFromBeach #12728

So no financials in 2015.

$0.0001 for GNGR is over-priced.


04/29/15 8:42 AM

#12730 RE: ManFromBeach #12728

Q4 results won't be out until Q1 or Q2 2016 [at best] so shareholders should consult a tax/investment expert now to decide whether to sell to take the tax loss. Most here have huge gains elsewhere from the ongoing bull market to offset. You can buy back GNGR 30 days later if you think its the best possible investment.

Note that I suggested the same thing last fall when GNGR was higher and it was great advice. I'm always looking to harvest my rare losses.

ManFromBeach: "Shareholders Need Patience Until Q4"


04/29/15 12:17 PM

#12731 RE: ManFromBeach #12728

"Patience" always seems to be the name of the game.

And what a game it is. I've been a shareholder for over two years. Want to know how many times we've been told financials were en route?

At this point - I'll believe it when I see it. Until then, I'm not getting any hopes up. This company has some great products and has vision and I would absolutely love to see the company and the shareholders do well. We're going beyond two years of empty commentary. Nothing has changed. Sure, the Vortex came out and ten-plus patents were filed - but there's no record of those ten-plus patent filings on the USPTO. Financials.... Nada. Press releases? Nope. Transparency about the company? No. What happened to warehouse in whichever Carolina? How about the Vegas office? How about the cake business? How about the hemp chocolate company collaboration? Etc... etc...

I'm still holding my shares and will continue to do so. I do believe that Grant and the company can do great things. But I'm holding my shares with full knowledge that I may lose every single penny I've invested.