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04/27/15 11:01 PM

#37312 RE: Devolution #37309

OK. I'll give my opinion. The slide problem is symptomatic of the age of the aircraft. The slides are an old design and the maintenance of the slides is correspondingly outdated. Just my opinion. Almost no one in the states operates this model aircraft anymore in a passenger configuration.
Planes of this vintage HATE to sit on the ground indefinitely. How many flights has this aircraft flown in the last few years? Maybe 5 to 10 if even that many? At least the first few flights will almost certainly experience significant maintenance problems. I've seen this over and over again through the years from planes that sit idle. Doesn't make any difference whether it has passed ground inspections. Flying is a entirely different animal.
Eventually, they will probably work through these issues but I think there are more obstacles to come.

just a learner

04/28/15 12:45 AM

#37317 RE: Devolution #37309

I've lost almost half of my investment in BLTA so far, but I know that I will not have really lost anything unless I sell at this price. I personally cannot see that Baltia will continue to fail. One only really fails if one gives up. We all know this will not happen. We know Baltia will not give up. I'm not really too worried about losing money. I do hope the passing of the mini is soon. I actually believe it will be shortly, but I could be wrong. I am still excited about Baltia. Yes, I agree with you. The passing of the mini will be a monumentous turning point for the airline. I believe this forum will be overwhelmed with postive and optimistic posts soon. I believe BLTA will be number one on the most active, most read, most posted and break out boards soon. I don't know the future, but everything sure seems to be pointing that way to me.


04/28/15 8:35 AM

#37344 RE: Devolution #37309

I believe that the passing of the next Mini will be monumental in the growth of BLTA. The proving runs to follow will go as planned. Being employed by a company in the past that had to go through proving runs, they are an observation of how the crew deals with certain made up situations that the FAA person on board comes up wit. IE: a failed generator or a diversion of some sort.
This Mini is important. when?.. Hummm... My fingers have been crossed for years (7+) now that the PPS goes north.
Lieutenant,.. thanks for all of your comments by the way.