BB- 1170 units for TSA, other sales from branches of DHS. TSA won't dump Smith's ETDs. They like having a second option. I was hopeful they would but I doubt they do it until other branches have purchased thru the IDIQ. Then, if Smith's has not gotten its new ETD cert'd, then maybe they fill in Smith's w/ B-220s.
I peg the ASP of a B-220 to TSA between 37 and 39K. At 20K/unit, they would be selling at/near a loss/unit. ( retail is about 45K, margin is about 50% in vol.)
dsully- agreed on the shareholders meeting IF they have not woken up and paid off Plat.'s first loan.
But Plat. always was and will be a seller. Share count during Plat's loans: 16M to 74M. The exact same time as Plat's move into nat. resources which they did very well with. Only thing that would get Plat. to convert & hold is a real buy out possibility,( apparently they didn't believe the Buffalo show on a buy out either) but even then they are NOT taking any chances. And that is the problem w/monster debt in your house-- you don't get one mistake.
Also, McGann's hands maybe bound during this sort of black out period while machines are deployed. That is a guess.
But every shareholder must know, not much will change except the amount of dumped shares until they erase that first 8 cent loan and pay Plat.'s qtrly interest in cash, not 8 cent shares.
OK, we hit .66 and I missed it. Dang/Not-dang. At this point Implant induced hypothermia sets in...but as we know, even if it gets better, it can be a disappointing stock.