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04/27/15 12:09 PM

#107053 RE: snoof77 #107051

The goal on the OTC is to "raise capital" in order to enrich insiders. MRIB has been operating perfectly in that regard. BTW, when is Margrit's next car payment due?

Matthew Berg

04/27/15 12:17 PM

#107055 RE: snoof77 #107051

Exactly! But there are no revenues nor any anticipation or expectation of significant revenues let alone any at all. There isn't even any cash flow. Every new share issued is a 100% dilution of each share currently outstanding.

And remember this is not a new ground breaking technology or breakthrough Biotech stock looking at explosive growth. It's a no nothing, unbranded and unknown consumer product in a crowded space with no differentiation and tiny margins with a relatively high COG. And 2 billion shares out on MRIB is a HUGE number for a company that makes $2,000 a month. It's absurd to even consider MRIB an ongoing concern.

And this Brazil thing is also absurd. I have yet to hear any explanation of why or how MRIB could sell in Brazil when they can't sell in their own backyard? How's that going to happen? If the product doesn't sell here it won't sell there. That's just fact.

DJ Ponder

04/27/15 1:09 PM

#107057 RE: snoof77 #107051

C'mon man, That whole same Low O/S argument was stated at the end of 2013 beginning of 2014. The share structure on this STEAMING PILE was 421 million outstanding at THAT time.

Joe, the equity/capital markets are to "raise capital." The outstanding share number is still not that high, even 2 billion, for an OTC stock trading at .0006. If significant revenues are generated as a result of the borrowed capital, then it's money well worth spent.

IF significant revenues.....
No way, Not even remotely close to falling for such nonsense.