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04/27/15 11:16 AM


I'm surprised as well how long its been in this area. I feel maybe some pictures with Sphere 3D Glassware 2.0 along side of Microsoft at these road shows will be a psychological catalyst. I'm accumulating right now. I feel these levels won't be around too long. GLTY



04/27/15 11:35 AM


Perfectly normal trading....pullback.... after Thursday's run up on huge volume. Chart is starting to look healthy.

If you really want the price to go up buy a lot lot lot more.


04/27/15 12:15 PM


"the trading defies reason here"

yes... the current stock price is completely untethered from the underlying business developments... it reflects market games, not business fundamentals...

"Buyers in companies with new tech and progressive earnings are usually way early...what gives here already......"

Nonsense... there is no "usually" for this instance... in all other cases that i have found... vmware, citrix, msft, aapl, goog and on and on... the companies did not go public until they were much, much further along in the monetization process... spiffy is an unprecedented case... dockers and nutanix remain private companies at this point in time as additional cases in point... as for "progressive" earnings... the revenue ramp in 2015 will be significant... with the latter quarters being especially impressive leading into 2016...

savy long horizon investors are best served right now by simply ignoring the pps... jmo... glta...