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04/27/15 6:12 AM

#12856 RE: Citrati #12854

Once we start seeing consistently higher volumes we'll cut through the resistance in the .50's. Possibly there are some convertibles in play. Sabby is a hedge fund, the COO himself was a market maker for 8 years. He knows how to work these puppies and ensure his friends can get in on the action. So no, I don't think they're selling. Maybe part of the resistance to keep some away while they accumulate. Put a couple LARGE blocks on the ask and slowly accumulate while the other mm's flash around it just below their ask. I'm not sure which MM they use, possibly a couple of them though different accounts? I see the largest blocks under EDGX.
MSTX has enough positives going in the right direction that they'll eat through soon enough imo.

Cayman Islands is also a give away.