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04/28/15 6:41 AM

#8562 RE: sicofbs #8560

While your busy with stealing cbis investors product with your little subsidiary's in England I'm sure you and dabney realize the banner you sent to Spain was a mess...please freshen it up for the next fraud on shareholders...the biotech dabney you were convicted of more than 22 cases of stock fraud ,do you feel you may have a problem coming up with getting a striped tan....lmao....Kane obviously did something really illegal with this company comsidering how quickly Bray and Johnson bailed after running their own little products soon are the sales going in Europe me dabney what stock fraud will present you with the most years in prison....cbca is really fraud from day one...and you abandoned that and the investors there as well...imcl being used to siphon off cbis investors equity is a clever scam on your part but your so transparent now it could cause you to lose not only your freedom but your money or should I say defrauded investors's nice being a big shot and feel you are untouchable but believe me are and will be soon as your scam is running out of steam and the collapse is near....then the handcuffs come us look good in Orange dabney,lol.......