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06/23/03 7:25 AM

#20860 RE: goodluck #20853

goodluck <<<It always amazes me when people credit the Reagan admin of the 80s and the Republican Congress of the 90s for everything good that has happened over the past 20 years, and the Democratic Congress and Bill Clinton for everything bad>>>

I believe the dems had plenty of help from the reps for the present situation the country.

I hope the voters in 2004 get a clear choice:
-- Rollback of the recent tax cuts, UN/France a full partner in our foreign affairs particularly in military actions, abandonment of the Bush doctrine, "free" health care for all, megamillion class action lawsuits for the overweights, reduction of our military to 2nd rate status, opologize to the world for freeing Iraq and not believing SH about the WMDs, beg NK's pardon for not sending Carter over to arrange for the "protection money",

-- Continuation of the GWB presidency

Two-and-a-half years ago, our military was not receiving the resources as needed, and morale was beginning to suffer. We increased the defense budget to prepare for threats of a new era. And today, no one in the world can question the skill, and strength, and spirit of the United States military.

Two-and-a-half years ago, we inherited an economy in recession. Then the attacks on our country, scandals in corporate America, and war affected people's confidence. And that hurt our economy. But we acted. We passed tough new laws to hold corporate criminals to account. We got the economy going again because we worked with the United States Congress to pass historic tax relief, not once, but twice.

This administration stood on principled ground. We understand that when Americans have more take-home pay to spend or invest, the economy grows, and people are more likely to find a job. We're returning more money to American families to help pay their bills. We're reducing taxes on dividends and capital gains to encourage investment. We're giving small businesses incentives to expand and to hire new people.

With all these actions, we have laid the foundation for greater prosperity -- and, more importantly, more jobs all across America so our fellow citizens have a chance to live the American Dream.

Two-and-a-half years ago there was a lot of talk about education reform, but not much action. So I called for, and Congress passed, the No Child Left Behind legislation, with a solid bipartisan majority, delivering the most dramatic education reforms in a generation.

We're bringing high standards and accountability to every public school in America. Every child can learn the basics of reading and math, and every school must teach those basics. This administration is challenging the soft bigotry of low expectations. The days of excuse-making are over. We now expect results in every classroom, so not one single child in America will be left behind.

We have reorganized the government and created a Department of Homeland Security to safeguard the borders and ports of America and to protect our people. We passed trade promotion authority to open new markets for America's farmers and ranchers and manufacturers. We passed a budget agreement that is helping to maintain spending discipline in Washington, D.C.

On issue after issue we acted on principle. We kept our word. And we made progress for the American people.

Remarks by the President at Bush-Cheney 2004 Reception
The Washington Hilton Hotel
Washington, D.C.